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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Obama 2009?

So I guess Obama has the Democratic nomination. All I can say is that this was a looonnnng democratic race. My gosh that took forever. Even now, Clinton is not conceding (strategically supposedly). I'm not going to tell you who I favored, and I don't care who you favored. However, we all need to unite together and support our nominee. None of this "my candidate didn't win, so I'm not even going to vote". That's like saying, "Yankees beat the Red Sox, so I'm just going to cheer for the National League Champions." This isn't baseball. This is potentially the next EIGHT YEARS in American Politics. So step up, put the past behind, and support the Democratic nominee.

Anyway, last night I checked out a gym, then I had some nice froyo for dessert. Overall a decent night.

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