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Thursday, June 19, 2008

How much is 50 cents to you?

I'm sitting in my cube at work the other day when one of my coworkers told me that there's pastries in the kitchen, courtesy of our CEO. So naturally I run over and nab a piece of a canoli and a cookie. Mike's Pastry, if you're wondering. Anyhoot, I comment to our office administrator that I always walk out of Mike's Pastry, because I can't wait that long for a cookie. And here's where the story kicks in.

She tells me that our CEO was in the city presenting a proposal when the meter that his car was parked at ran out. A helpful young man passing by saw the meter person and stuck his own 50 cents into the meter to prevent the ticket. He then left a small note on the windshield kindly asking for repayment of the 50 cents. So my CEO sends a box of golf balls and a note to the young man thanking him for his help. And next thing you know, we get pastries from Mike's Pastry delivered to our office thanking my CEO for the note and gift. Not only this, he's requesting to meet our CEO.

Now, I'm not sure if he would meet the young man, but can you believe this exchange all started with two quarters that would've just wound up in a change jar? Now imagine if our CEO does talk to the young man. He just bought face time with the CEO of a regional company to talk and share ideas...all for 50 cents. Now that's 50 cents well spent.

In other news, I went back to the gym yesterday! It was a pretty good first day.

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