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Monday, June 9, 2008

Finally got a Wii

So on Sunday morning, I woke up early (at 10AM, but that's early for me) and made my way to Best Buy to stand in line to get a Wii. Those things sell out within the hour whenever they have a shipment. I was one of the first 20 in line and got one. It looked like they had 30 -50 of them, so it was a decent shipment. Funny thing is I haven't opened it up to play with it yet. It was too hot yesterday to do that.

I was supposed to go camping this past weekend, but that fell through. Wound up just doing nothing. I did go to IKEA Saturday to get some candy cars - good stuff. My friends, sister, and I bought some other stuff too, so I didn't just go there for candy. It was hot on Saturday too, so wound up just chilling at my place with the AC on at night.

Didn't really do anything else this weekend. Watched my friend practice guitar and did some mini-workouts. Nothing else. Oh well.

Oh yeah, GO CELTICS! (close game last night)

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