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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I'm on hold...

I'm on hold right now at work, waiting for what seems to be a very busy customer representative. But anyway, lately I've been thinking about financial freedom again as I usually do when the weather is nice. Maybe it's because I haven't found my calling yet, but work is usually only interesting in the first few months when I'm learning my duties. After that, I get bored and think about what else there is.

Ideally, I would like to do something for myself, like start a business or manage my own properties. Or if I can somehow amass enough passive income, then I can quit my nine-to-fiver and either work at something fun (rock gym?) or volunteer my time. I just think that life is too short to devote 91, 520 hours to work. That's just counting work hours; let's not forget commute time, time to unwind from stressful days, time to prepare meals, time to change and prep, etc! No wonder older people are out of shape. They don't have time! I know, running a small business or managing properties is still work, but it'll be my work. You know what, it's not even about not liking work. It's about not having freedom.

Have you ever woken up one day and think, "Boy, today is a great day to grab the trusty old mountain bike and tackle a nice 20-mile ride"? I know I have, but what happens? "Oh wait...I have work." I want the freedom to decide when I would work and when I would just take a day for myself. I want the flexibility to spend time with my family, old and new. I want the time to fit workouts in without neglecting other friends or duties.

I think about how I can achieve this a lot. I save, I invest, I brainstorm small business ideas, I save for a down payment for an investment property. But I'm just not there yet. I need to get to the crossover point. Don't get me wrong. My job's nice. The people are great, my boss is great, the duties are not too stressful. I just wish it was not a job. Blah, I'm babbling now. End.

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