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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Back to the gym!

As I thought about before, I have chosen to terminate my lessons at the kung fu academy. I had a real hard time making to class due to my schedule and my lack of desire to be forced into a schedule. During my four months with kung fu, I thought back of simpler times when I was at the YMCA. I go workout whenever I wanted. I could work on cardio or on weights. I can even sign up for classes. What a variety! What freedom!

So I've decided, I will rejoin the YMCA. The monthly fee is less, yet I can go seven days a week, anytime they're open. Pretty sweet. One of the other main reasons I'm going back to the Y is that I need to sign up for swimming lessons. Believe it or not, I cannot swim. Well, unless you count floating on your back or the doggie paddle.

After work tonight, I plan on going there to sign up. It's time I get back to a regular workout schedule. And I need to learn how to swim. It's embarrassing. Haha.

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