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Friday, June 6, 2008

Epiphone update

So after a couple of truss rod adjustments, my Epiphone still buzzes on hard strumming. It is mainly the 6th and 5th string with the buzzing around the 12th frets. I had incorrectly diagnosed it as buzzing at the first few frets (although I am keeping track of the action by sliding a pick at the first and second fret to see how tight it is). I made another adjustment this morning, so I'll see how it goes tonight or tomorrow. I know I've been making a lot of truss rod adjustments, but I did switch to extra light strings, so they might be vibrating more than the heavier strings that were on it before. My Lyon is fitted with heavier strings too, so that would explain the difference between the two. If truss rod adjustments won't do any more, I might switch back to heavier strings. At worst, I'll just take it to a pro and get it adjusted.

Learning has been a bit boring lately. I'm working on suspension and barre chords, but haven't found any songs that utilize them in an easy way. On the website, I learned a 12-bar blues, new strumming patterns, and a variation of the chromatic scale. Just playing with all those now. Still working on my voice too. Still suck at singing. Haha. Anyway, I still practiced everyday, but a vacation is coming up, so that might be a nice break to relax and step a way from a bit. Not too excited about possibly losing my callouses though.

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